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Beauty and Brains are NOT Mutually Exclusive.

PC: @science.sam

Recently, Benefit Cosmetics released an ad campaign telling women to value your looks over an education. "Skip class, NOT Concealer". Let me tell you I've skipped my fair amount of CONCEALER so I can GO to class. This ad is SO wrong. Not only does it aid the arguments for women equality, suggesting that women would skip class to make sure they're looks are up to par, but the message it is sending to our impressionable youth. Young girls take these messages very seriously, and to put in their heads that it's okay to skip class but not okay to go out in public with out make up is a horrible statement to make!

I believe Benefit Cosmetics has released an apology and discussed removing this ad from stores [read more here] . Regardless of this, I wanted to continue the topic of discussion, which I think is a real issue. You can be both fashionable and trendy as well as a smart successful woman and the last thing we need is ANOTHER ad giving us negative self image! I also want to instill the message that women should not be subjected to only how they look, we have brains within these pretty faces!

[shout out to @science.sam for starting this discussion today! Click her pic above to visit her IG]

It's important to recognize that having a brain and wanting to look or feel pretty are not mutually exclusive. Though, I believe that no one (woman or man) needs to wear makeup, but some people enjoy wearing makeup because it makes them feel good and it can be fun! [and if that's your prerogative-- GET IT!] It's also so important to make sure no one is undermined because of you present yourself with some sassy ass makeup. FIRST, I am a scientist at Stanford University and SECOND, I recently started a graduate program in Bioinformatics at Northeastern University. I'm choosing to further my education to reach my career goals and I won't be skipping any classes for my looks. You can still do both with out having to give anything up. No, I don't wear makeup everyday, but sometimes I like to, and I am no LESS serious about my career with or without makeup on.

ALL of the events in these pictures required brains and confidence, and I wouldn't be able to capture any of them if I had skipped out on my education to value my looks. I use makeup because it's fun and give me a boost to make me feel pretty and confident sometimes but, in no way was it necessary. Make up should not indicate that you work less hard, skip classes, or should be taken less seriously in your career and life. Ads with this kind of content are absurd and ridiculous. If I had to chose between makeup and brains, I would always pick my brain!

This is me mid experiment [ a 12 hour day ATAC sequencing of T regulatory cells] at Stanford University. White lab coat, NO makeup and still feeling confident and beautiful. Yes I have bags under my eyes, but I totally earned those babies with my hard work. No need to SKIP or HIDE! #SKIPbenefitNOTclass

This is me in Atlanta at the AAAAI Conference, repping trendy fashion while still attending a major professional scientific event. You can still dress trendy, wear make up and be a serious respected professional!

Here I am presenting preliminary cutting edge research at AAAAI on using CyTOF and advanced computational methods to immunophenotype asthmatic children [abstract here]. FYI: I DEFINITELY didn't skip anything important to be able to stand here and I'm still wearing make up.

Lastly, my fiancé and me getting ready for Google Geo Christmas Party. Full makeup and hair--feeling extra sassy and still 100% ready to talk science. Working in tech, even when you're having fun at parties, you're still required you to be on top of your game when engaging in conversation!

What's your opinion?? Tell me what you think!

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